Co-Leaders Board

Current Co-Leads as of July 2023 :-  Will & Wee Willie (Co-Founder & Clan Cop),  Jacob, Grumpy Monk, Deez Nuts, Stanislaus, Natalia, Hunter, Hunts mini,   ZombieMagician,  Evrolt,  Evil Blade, The Punisher,  XLNC, Lion Warrior, Mini Pun. 

Promotions - Submit name and vote, A co can nominate a promotion and other co's and leader vote. NO CO IS TO BE GRANTED BY A SINGLE CO, there must be a vote.   

        Clan To Do List 

* I have been reading where clans have war clans and a farm clan.  So depending on what you are updating you drift between the two.  Essentially, this is what we tried to set up - just with a different twist.

I know there is trepidation due to the lack of success with it, but I wonder with the clarification of farm vs. war if we would have more luck.




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